What is Financial Planning?

financial planning

Financial planning is a service that has grown in popularity in recent years. From the prospective of private individuals and businesses, it is the practice of coming up with a plan to manage their finances over the long-term. For financial planners, it is a solid career choice where they help others create and manage their financial assets. This guide will outline the basics of what goes into this practice from both perspectives.

What Are The Key Elements Of A Financial Plan?

At its most basic function, a financial plan is an outline of financial goals alongside the steps that will be taken to achieve those goals. Defining the goals while being realistic about them should be anyone’s first step. Next, an individual’s financial information and data should be collected and analyzed. With these two key pieces of information, a plan can be formed in order to reach those goals over a set period of time. Good financial plans should include goals that are both immediate and long-term. The plan should be changed and updated based on new circumstances and life events.

Who Uses Finance Planning Services?

Individuals and businesses alike use financial planning services. They do this to ensure proper management of their finances. Having a financial plan is crucial at all stages of life to ensure financial security now and in the future. It is fairly common for people without a financial plan to not save back enough or invest at all when they are young, leaving them less well-off when they are older. Creating a strong financial plan can optimize earnings from interest and investments over time. Businesses also benefit from using financial planning services to ensure a sound financial future for the company.

What Do Financial Planners Do?

Financial planners are professionals who help individuals and businesses create and set their financial plans into motion. They must be knowledgeable in good financial practices, various investment strategies, options for debt management, types of savings accounts and more. They also must remain up-to-date on market trends and be able to adequately explain financial concepts to regular people. Financial planners are heavily in demand according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They also make very high salaries – $90,640 per year on average. Financial planners can become certified through the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). This certification improves job prospects and respectability.

How Does One Become A Financial Planner?

Students interested in pursuing a career as a financial planner will need to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Because this specific subject is not typically offered as a course of study, students have quite a few options as to their major, including finance, business, accounting, economics and more. A master’s degree and certifications can improve job prospects, especially for financial planners who may want to move into management. Many financial advisors work for themselves while others work for firms. If self-employment is desired, students should plan on gaining experience and know-how by working for a firm before setting out on their own.


Adequately planning for finances is at the core of financial sustainability and success for individuals, families, and businesses. Financial planning is something every individual should partake in and there are plenty of professionals who can help them do it.

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