How to Become an Accountant
Being an accountant can provide you with the chance to manage the financial affairs of the world’s most prestigious banks and corporations. If this is not your style, then you can work for a local business and manage its financial affairs. You truly have a diverse array of career options when you decide to become an accountant. You can work endless hours for a prestigious company, or you can work on a part-time basis for a small business. No matter where you decide to work, it is essential that you obtain the necessary education for becoming an accountant. Here are some of the steps that you should follow in becoming an accountant.
Excel in Math and Analysis
People typically know from a young age whether they will pursue a career as an accountant. If you are very skilled in math and science, then you are a perfect candidate for a career as an accountant. You should possess very strong analytical abilities in order to be successful as an accountant. You may want to try to get some of your required courses out of the way during your high school years. You can meet with a guidance counselor from your high school to learn how you can obtain college credits during your high school years.
Apply to an Accounting Degree Program
You will need to apply to a college that has an accounting program. Before you begin the process of applying to colleges, you should take a look at all of the courses and programs that a college offers. You should also research which requirements you will need to complete in order to receive your CPA certification. Every state differs in the requirements that it has for a CPA certification. You may want to pursue your accounting degree at a school that is renowned for its accounting or business programs. These types of schools tend to place their graduates at the nation’s top accounting firms. These types of schools are usually located in Boston, New York City or Washington D.C.
Gain Experience Through an Accounting Internship
During your summers, you should try to gain experience by interning at an accounting firm. These positions are usually highly paid, and you can gain very valuable experience in them. By gaining experience in an internship program, you will also be able to make valuable contacts. Networking in these sorts of programs will provide you with a great opportunity to set up your employment after graduation.
Take the CPA Exam
The last step in becoming an accountant is to take the CPA exam. The CPA exam is usually very intense, and you will need to study for many months. The exam can also take months to complete. You will need to complete different stages of the exam. You should research the schedule of the exam for your particular state. It is important for you to know the deadlines for the completion of each part of the exam. It is also a good idea to take a course that can prepare you for the exam.
Good luck!